Want to Land a Better Job quickly?
This book will show you how!
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Landing the kind of Job that can change your life for the better - forever - doesn't come from playing by the old rules … not in today’s economy.
Diary of a Successful Job Hunter chronicles the real-life journey of Greg Quirk (watch the video) as he works his way through a 10-week job search boot camp designed by the author of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters, David Perry.
Perry is a professional recruiter, the head headhunter and managing partner of Perry-Martel International. David’s closed $400 million in salaries since 1988 and closed deals on 5 continents.  He teaches companies how to hire the right talent (and keep it), and candidates how to make business choices that will shape their careers.
Diary of a Successful Job Hunter is a step-by-step job search journal kept by an actual job hunter where you see how he actually used the creative ideas that were taught in the Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters Boot Camp... strategies and tactics that were free or cost next to nothing to:
  • Cut through the noise in any job market
  • Keep yourself motivated during your job search
  • Learn how to target jobs with laser like precision
  • Create multiple resume formats that will make your phone ring
  • How to end your cover letter that guarantees the employer calls
  • Create LinkedIn and other online profiles that get you found and interviewed for jobs you want to do
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tricks used by top head-hunters which get you found
  • The blueprint to the “Starbucks Coffee Cup Caper
  • A copy of the "Trojan Thank You Note" that gets your resume read and puts a smile on the hiring manger's face
  • Advanced Interview Tactics which will absolutely knock out all your competition
  • Know exactly what hiring managers really want before you even apply, meet or interview
  • Insider tricks and tips from some of America's best recruiters and career coaches
So, if you want to create a resume that will dodge the HR blackhole and speaks directly to hiring managers, figure out how to use Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media tools to shorten your job hunt, and hyper-focus on the top employers who will recognize your value, and much more… STOP READING and download Diary of a Successful Job Hunter.
Watch the CTV News interview with Greg and how he landed his job.
You'll also learn:
The 1st thing you must do in a job search - get this wrong and you will literally be looking forever. This eliminates your risk.
How to target a job that plays to your strengths and abilities — a job you might do for free, if you weren’t getting paid!
Learn how to present your skills in creative new ways that stand out in today’s hyper-competitive job market
To build a special resume that’s FUN to read, speaks the language of employers and proves every claim you make
Plus much more…
"As a recruiter, I can say, firsthand, that 97% of all candidates look for their next job by throwing darts at the dartboard…and waiting…and hoping. But hope is not a strategy. Finding your best next job requires a strategy, i.e., a process. But it’s one few people know or understand.
And the reality is, no one knows the job hunting process better than a great recruiter. Why? A great recruiter fills 5 to 7 jobs a month. You, on the other hand, are only going to look for a job maybe 5 to 7 times in your lifetime.
A great recruiter walks a candidate through the process and helps them land their next best job. But what if you don’t have a great recruiter by your side? That’s where Diary of a  Successful Job Hunter comes in.
Greg Quirk’s journey of finding his next job after a layoff. Finding a new job is hard and emotionally grueling work. It drains you, it saps your confidence, and often, it depresses you. BUT, when you land the right job at the right salary, it’s the best feeling in the world.
Greg transforms the job-hunting process into one that is easily understood. As he takes you through his journey, he discusses the mistakes he made along the way, describes the lessons learned, and gives you immediate practical advice to use in your job search. In the end, you can close the book (only for a brief moment) and dream; dream of your perfect job. Because now you have a proven process that you can apply.
Most people only look for results. However, results come when you have a process that works, and you work that process. This is what Greg brings to you."
- Skip Freeman, Owner,  BASI Solutions, Inc. Building Automation & Smart Industry Solutions
"I've been following David Perry for YEARS for his intense understanding of what it takes to get hired. This book is great for anyone who is looking for an opportunity right now as it gets right down to the BRASS TACKS of job hunting. No fluff, just a true account of a serious job seeker navigating the nuances of finding the next opportunity while applying David's direction.
The value this book provides and its insider look from a job seeker perspective is critical in today's job climate and will continue to be valuable to anyone who is looking to 'cover ALL bases' in their search."
- Cass Murray, Owner,  CLM Careers , CBD Manufacturing Recruiter